BVR Kits 45" Electric Tucano
Equipment and Set-ups
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 The best low-cost set-up we have found for the BVR Kits 45" Tucano using readily available components is a Permax 600 7.2V can motor driving a 3.33:1 MPJ gearbox (part no. 8053). These items are available from very cheaply.

The Tucano achieves its EXCELLENT slow-speed handling partly due to the fact that flat sheet wings do not "tipstall" like many wing sections tend to, but also due to the use of a large, pitchy propeller.

Using a long ratio such as 3.33:1, an 12 inch prop such as an APC "E" 12 x 10 can be used whilst maintaining current levels of around 25 Amps on 8 cells- this way motor life is prolonged, even using a can motor.

If you want even better performance you can use 10 1700CPs and go down to an APC "E" 11 x 9 prop whilst maintaining a similar current level. In each case a 35 Amp speed controller (from a Twinstar or Twinjet) is sufficient.

 For a significant performance boost, the Kyosho 16-turn buggy (also available from motor has a higher RPM per Volt, but it is much more efficient than the can motor so current levels are about the same. This is the optimum brushed set-up for this model.


 Naturally the oncoming brushless revolution is upon us and several highly-efficient motors will go into this model.

Perhaps the best example is the AXI 2820/10 which will make your Tucano perform better than most i.c. models! On 8 cells it will go vertically up on an APC "E" 11 x 8.5, or on 10 cells and an 11 x 7.

In each case current is around 30 Amps and you will only use full throttle for squirts of vertical performance! As a result flight duration is usually 10mins+ on 2400s and 15 mins+ on the new GP or Sanyo 3300 NiMhs.

The smaller 2814/10 is also ideal for less flamboyant performance. On 7 or 8 cells (i.e. Twinstar or Twinjet battery pack) and an APC "E" 9 x 6 or 9 x 5 respectively, the performance is more than adequate and duration is unbelievable!


The MPJ 3.33:1 planetary gearbox (available from is ideal for the Tucano whether you decide to use a 600 can or 16-turn buggy motor.


Whether you use an AXI or geared set-up on your Tucano the APC 'E' props are by far the best Nigel has tested.


Nigel fully tested this geared set-up on his World Models YAK 9-D to make sure it would be powerful AND reliable enough for his 45'' Tucano - and indeed it is!


The amazing AXI 2814 and 2820/10 Brushless motors are the ultimate power plants for Nigel's 45" Tucano. On 10 cells and an 11x7 APC "E" prop, the 2820/10 gives this model UNLIMITED VERTICAL PERFORMANCE


As the AXI is very efficient you will still get excellent duration from an 8-cell 1700CP whilst saving 4oz! Fit a 10-cell 1700CP and with the AXI 2820/10 on an APC "E" 11x7 prop, you will have UNLIMITED VERTICAL PERFORMANCE!


The Hacker Master HM40 & HM70 controllers are probably the best available, with adjustable timing and switching frequencies for different set-ups.


But the humble Jeti 40A 3P is a very good entry-level controller and works well with the AXI motors.


A hatch is cut in upper sheet 14 to allow installation of the motor. If using a geared can or buggy motor it should be supported at the rear to take the landing forces off the nose former! The hatch is simply filmed or taped back in place to allow future access.


Mini servos such as the GWS MINI STD and MINI L are ideal for use in the Tucano, and all of Nigel's display models have used them reliably.


The speed controller is simply attached to the fuselage side beneath the canopy using Velcro or servo tape.




The reciever attaches to the back of former 10 with Velcro, and is well away from the aileron torque rods. The aerial exits immediately behind the canopy.



For geared 600/Buggy motor powered versions, this tiny PEGASUS 35P controller from Castle Creations is ideal! These are now available in the UK from new supplier who also do a HOST of other electric flight accessories at amazingly low prices!

bl_50p.jpg also sell the PHOENIX 35 Amp BRUSHLESS controller which is fully programmable and weighs less than an ounce! 50p piece gives the size comparison.


Just look at how thin the Castle Creations PHOENIX 35 Brushless controller is! Here it is next to the Jeti 40 3P - it isn't much thicker than a credit card!